Call for papers

Archaisms vs. innovations: topics in relative chronology


How reliable, and well-founded is the communis opinio about the relative chronology of sources in a given language tradition, and how strictly should it be applied in terms of judging a feature as archaic, innovative, or an unreal artifact of copyists?

In other words, how strictly one may and should apply relative textual chronology in judging archaisms vs. innovations vs. unreal uses of copyists? 

The theme is open to anyone who wants to discuss the questions of innovations or archaisms from different angles. Contributions on specific languages or language branches are welcome. Theoretical contributions are especially welcome.  We are also open to contributions based not only on linguistics but also on extra-lingusitic evidence of material culture, where the topic of chronology conveniently intersects.

Informative abstracts (max. 500 words, excluding references) for presentations should be sent to not later than by the 28th of February 2025. Please indicate the title of your talk in the subject line of your mail. The working languages of the conference will be English and German. The articles will be reviewed (under the rules of a double-blind review) and authors will be informed not later than by the end of April.